Sunday, July 11, 2010

Group 3 | Antoine Laurent Lavoisier

♫ ♥...great things come from small packages...♥ ♫


To Antoine Laurent Lavoisier, he was able to determine correctly what was happening during the combustion of metals. Stemming from this work and other experiments, he is credited with developing evidence for the Law of Conservation of Mass in 1777. According to Lavoisier, atom is an empty space.


Lavoisier, Antoine (1743-1794)

French chemist who, through a conscious revolution, became the father of modern chemistry. As a student, he stated "I am young and avid for glory." He was educated in a radical tradition, a friend of Condillac and read Maquois's dictionary. He won a prize on lighting the streets of Paris, and designed a new method for preparing saltpeter. He also married a young, beautiful 13-year-old girl named Marie-Anne, who translated from English for him and illustrated his books. Lavoisier demonstrated with careful measurements that transmutation of water to earth was not possible, but that the sediment observed from boiling water came from the container. He burnt phosphorus and sulfur in air, and proved that the products weighed more than he original. Nevertheless, the weight gained was lost from the air. Thus he established the Law of Conservation of Mass.

Repeating the experiments of Priestley, he demonstrated that air is composed of two parts, one of which combines with metals to form calxes. However, he tried to take credit for Priestley's discovery. This tendency to use the results of others without acknowledgment then draw conclusions was characteristic of Lavoisier. In Considérations Générales sur la Nature des Acides (1778), he demonstrated that the "air" responsible for combustion was also the source of acidity. The next year, he named this portion oxygen (Greek for acid-former), and the other azote (Greek for no life). He also discovered that the inflammable air of Cavendish which he termed hydrogen (Greek for water-former), combined with oxygen to produce a dew, as Priestley had reported, which appeared to be water.

In Reflexions sur le Phlogistique (1783), Lavoisier showed the phlogiston theory to be inconsistent. In Methods of Chemical Nomenclature (1787), he invented the system of chemical nomenclature still largely in use today, including names such as sulfuric acid, sulfates, and sulfites. His Traité Élémentaire de Chimie (Elementary Treatise of Chemistry, 1789) was the first modern chemical textbook, and presented a unified view of new theories of chemistry, contained a clear statement of the Law of Conservation of Mass, and denied the existence of phlogiston. In addition, it contained a list of elements, or substances that could not be broken down further, which included oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, phosphorus, mercury, zinc, and sulfur. His list, however, also included light, and caloric, which he believed to be material substances. In the work, Lavoisier underscored the observational basis of his chemistry, stating "I have arrive at the truth by linking up facts; to suppress as much as possible the use of reasoning, which is often an unreliable instrument which deceives us, in order to follow as much as possible the torch of observation and of experiment." Nevertheless, he believed that the real existence of atoms was philosophically impossible. Lavoisier demonstrated that organisms disassemble and reconstitute atmospheric air in the same manner as a burning body.

With Laplace, he used a calorimeter to estimate the heat evolved per unit of carbon dioxide produced. They found the same ratio for a flame and animals, indicating that animals produced energy by a type of combustion. Lavoisier believed in the radical theory, believing that radicals, which function as a single group in a chemical reaction, would combine with oxygen in reactions. He believed all acids contained oxygen. He also discovered that diamond is a crystalline form of carbon. Lavoisier made many fundamental contributions to the science of chemistry. The revolution in chemistry which he brought about was a result of a conscious effort to fit all experiments into the framework of a single theory. He established the consistent use of chemical balance, used oxygen to overthrow the phlogiston theory, and developed a new system of chemical nomenclature. He was beheaded during the French revolution.


Historical and Political Events

Antoine Lavoisier proposed a name for the new element, “hydrogen,” after the Greek hydros for “water” and genes for “born or formed.” Lavoisier recognized that when hydrogen was burned, it produced water as a byproduct, through the combination of ...In 1783, Antoine Lavoisier proposed a name for the new element, “hydrogen,” after the Greek hydros for “water” and genes for “born or formed.” Lavoisier recognized that when hydrogen was burned, it produced water as a byproduct, through the combination of hydrogen and oxygen in the air. Thus, the element in a sense gives birth to water. Once hydrogen was fully recognized as an element, it began to be extracted from various natural sources and used in an assortment of fields.

 From the earliest system designed by Lavoisier to the first "metabolic carts" in the early 1970s and today's computerized rapid response gas analysis system, the basic premise to measure EE has remained essentially unchanged. In 1784, Antoine Lavoisier devised ...From the earliest system designed by Lavoisier to the first "metabolic carts" in the early 1970s and today's computerized rapid response gas analysis system, the basic premise to measure EE has remained essentially unchanged. In 1784, Antoine Lavoisier devised a method to measure the byproducts of combustion, oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide. Lavoisier is considered to be the father of indirect calorimetry and also is credited with naming oxygen.

Antoine Lavoisier proposed that heat is a fluid that is invisible to the eye. According to Lavoisier, caloric fluid exists in the space around the atoms of a solid, and a solid becomes a liquid when the atoms are no longer attracted to one another.

The first was the law of conservation of mass, formulated by Antoine Lavoisier in 1789, which states that the total mass in a chemical reaction remains constant (that is, the reactants have the same mass as the products). In 1789, Antoine Lavoisier published a list of 33 chemical elements. Although Lavoisier grouped the elements into gases, metals, non-metals, and earths, chemists spent the following centuries searching for a more precise classification scheme.


Photos of the Past o.O

Detail of picture of a combustion experiment

Laboratory equipment used by Lavoisier circa 1780s

Antoine Lavoisier's famous phlogiston experiment. Engraving by Mme Lavoisier in the 1780s taken from Traité élémentaire de chimie (Elementary treatise on chemistry).

Combustion generated by focusing sunlight over flammable materials using lenses, an experiment conducted by Lavoisier in the 1770s.


Presented by♥:
Group 3 Room 2~☼♥♪
Stephanie de la Paz |
Erica Dehesa |
Sabrina de la Fuente |
Page Designer
Vianne Domantay |
Mariel Estevanez |


The History of the Particle Theory

Two particle theories feature in chemistry textbooks - Dalton's atomic theory and the molecular kinetic theory; however, they rarely appear together and the account of each is more descriptive than explanatory. Dalton's atomic theory and the molecular kinetic theory are usually presented using some of the postulates in this list (Garnett, 1996; Bucat, 1984).

Matter consists of submicroscopic, indestructible particles called atoms.

All atoms of an element are identical and have the same mass but atoms of different elements have different masses.

Particles join together in simple consistent ratios when two different substances react to form a third substance.

Mass is conserved in these reactions.

Gas particles are evenly scattered in an enclosed space and there are empty space between particles.

Gas particles are in constant random motion and collisions are perfectly elastic.

Particles move slower in liquids and vibrate about fixed positions in solids.

The spacing between solid-solid, liquid-liquid and gas-gas particles is close to 1:1:10 (Andersson, 1990; de Vos and Verdonk, 1996)

The first postulate is intuitive (matter comprises tiny indivisible particles called atoms) but the remainder are counterintuitive and abstract (e.g., empty spaces separate particles; particles are in constant random motion). Secondary students find this theory difficult to mentally model. Postulate 8 is not discussed in many textbooks and, when it is, the spacing is mostly incorrect (Wilbraham et al., 1997).

History of the Atomic Theory

The following account argues that there are good knowledge and epistemological reasons for retracing the history of the atomic concept. The atomic and kinetic theories grew side-by-side from the rigorous investigations of the 'pneumatic' chemists (e.g., Boyle, Gay-Lussac and Avogadro) and the 'mass' chemists (e.g., Lavoisier, Proust, and Dalton). The atomic theory enunciated by Dalton was revolutionary because he proposed a causal particle explanation for chemical reactions. He explained that reacting masses combine in repeatable, simple ratios because the mass-ratios of reactants and products are the macroscopic manifestation of simple rearrangements of invisible and independent particles. Dalton's theory was powerful because it included a causal explanation that agreed with the available evidence and made predictions that could be tested and falsified. He argued his theory of particle action in 1803-8 yet the full acceptance of the atomic theory and Avogadro's Law took almost 50 years. In this period, chemists argued for and against atoms and Ostwald maintained his objection to the atomic theory well into the 20th Century. If great chemists had problems with atoms and molecules, why do we diminish the problems students face?

The delay was almost entirely due to the dominance of Dalton's "rule of greatest simplicity" and Dalton's insistence that gas particles differ significantly in size, meaning that equal volumes of gas under the same conditions of temperature and pressure do not contain equal numbers of particles (Nash, 1957). In 1808, Gay-Lussac showed that when hydrogen and oxygen react to form water vapour, the combining volumes (and the products under the same conditions) are simple whole number ratios. These data mirrored Dalton's findings but Gay-Lussac's data were more accurate and precise and, when repeated and interpreted by Avogadro in 1811, led Avogadro to assert that equal volumes of gas at the same temperature and pressure do contain equal number of particles and that oxygen and hydrogen particles are diatomic molecules. Dalton's insistence that oxygen and hydrogen particles are single atoms inhibited the full realization of the importance of Gay-Lussac's and Avogadro's ideas until 1860 and stalled the progress of his own atomic theory.

Dalton's "rule of greatest simplicity" insisted that when two elements, A and B combined to form just one new substance, the combining ratio is 1:1 or AB unless there are very good reasons for a different ratio. The rule can be understood as an application of Occam's Razor where the simplest explanation, the one that makes the least assumptions, is deemed best. The rule went on to say that if two compounds resulted from A + B, then the compounds should be AB and A2B or AB2; if three are possible then the additional formula should be AB3 or A3B. Dalton held this assumption so strongly that it prevented him from perceiving that the formula of water is H2O as shown by Gay-Lussac's data and Avogadro's reasoning. The rule insisted that because oxygen and hydrogen combine in just one way, the product should be HO (Mason, 1962). This assumption also led him to conclude that the mass ratio of hydrogen to oxygen was 1:7 when he could have arrived at 1:14 (difference between 14 and 16 being experimental error). It was not until Cannizaro cleverly reargued Avogadro's hypothesis at the Karlsruhe Congress in 1860 that oxygen and hydrogen were accepted as diatomic gases and the impasse between Dalton and Gay-Lussac was resolved in Gay-Lussac's favour. The rule was then refined to state that when two elements combine, the ratios are simple integers and that 1:1 has no natural precedence over 1:2, 2:3, 1:3, etc. Still, the rule of greatest simplicity was "Dalton's greatest single contribution to the formulation of an atomic theory" (Nash, 1957). The rule was a crucial theoretical advance because it insisted that chemical reactions are orderly and that predictable changes occur between discrete invisible particles.

Whereas the "rule of greatest simplicity" was a barrier to Avogadro's conclusion that equal gas volumes contain equal numbers of particles; it also was the key to the atomic theory's success at the start of the 19th Century. Dalton's belief that reacting elements comprised a multitude of identical and discrete particles was a significant improvement on Newton's and Boyle's corpuscular theories because Dalton's theory explained and was built on experimental data. The atomic theory was supportable even if the 'equal gas volumes contain different numbers of particles' was not. Despite its weaknesses, Dalton's belief in atoms was theoretically sound and allowed him to make the crucial predictions that suggested the decisive experiments that tested the theory's predictions and produced, over the next 50 years, the key tenets of the atomic theory. Still, the strength of Dalton's reputation, the rule of greatest simplicity and Dalton's "conception of a gas as solidly packed with particles, like a pile of shot" (Nash, 1957) inhibited Gay-Lussac's and Avogadro's theoretical advances.

Dalton's belief that gas particle size is directly related to its mass is not uncommon. Students predict that when water is electrolysed, the one volume of oxygen produced will occupy a greater volume than the two volumes of hydrogen at the same temperature and pressure because oxygen with 8 protons + 8 neutrons is much larger than hydrogen's single proton (Gabel, Samuel & Hunn, 1987). This alternative conception could be avoided by explicitly showing how this idea hindered the development of Avogadro's hypothesis [which "is not self-evident" (Gabel, 1999)]. The history of science is more than an interesting story because it can show the way to effective conceptual growth and conceptual change. Histories like this story also show students that science is a human enterprise, scientists do make mistakes, and the scientific academy is rigorous and imaginative. Incorporating history into the teaching of chemistry may well increase chemistry's appeal to students.

Atoms are Independent, Invisible and Indivisible

Dalton observed that when two elements react to form a new substance, the reacting masses always react in simple and consistent ratios. Gay-Lussac also recognised this pattern in the volumes of gas that reacted in similar reactions. As a result, Dalton and Gay-Lussac understood that when two elements react to form a specific compound, they always combine in the same simple proportions. How could this be explained in terms of the underlying structure of matter?

During the 1780s, Lavoisier's accurate experiments established the Law of Conservation of Matter by demonstrating that the total mass of the products always equaled the mass of reactants. Matter was neither created nor destroyed. In 1797 Proust showed that for each compound he studied, the reacting elements combine in a constant ratio yielding the Law of Constant Composition. Dalton's experiments with nitrogen and oxygen showed that three oxides were possible: nitrous oxide, nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide. He first demonstrated that when the reacting conditions for each oxide were present, only that oxide resulted and his data obeyed the Law of Constant Composition. Three different combining ratios for nitrogen and oxygen led him to formulate the Law of Multiple Proportions. These laws are most remarkable when we remember that Proust, Lavoisier and Dalton worked with limited knowledge and equipment. But Dalton was an insightful theoretician and he saw the pattern that others missed. He saw what the Law of Constant Composition and the Law of Multiple Proportions were telling him: that the simple and constant ratios reported by Proust in France and Richter in Germany could only be explained if hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and the other known elements were made up of indivisible, invisible and independent particles that combine in simple and predictable ratios. This insight became the cornerstone of his atomic theory.

Nash (1957) calls Dalton the "skilful observer" who "contributed a notably plausible, precise and unambiguous statement of the basic postulates of the atomic theory" that was based on his conceptual scheme of how matter is constructed and behaves.

Proust and his contemporaries held the critical data in their hands and failed to see the significance of what they "knew". With the advent of Dalton's atomic theory, the new beliefs it encouraged brought about a remarkable sharpening of the empiricist's vision. They were told what to look for, and where and how to look for it - and behold, it was there. Dalton's ... fundamental contribution was the powerful stimulus to investigation provided by his conceptual scheme. (Nash, 1957)

But how did Dalton see what others "knew" yet failed to perceive? A striking feature of his own accounts of the atomic theory is the consistent way he uses "atom" to denote a fundamental elemental particle, one that is indivisible and too small, in his opinion, to ever be seen. He talks of compound atoms (our molecules) and develops his theory using "thought experiments". In an 1810 lecture to the Royal Institution using "the Newtonian doctrine of repulsive atoms and particles, I set to work to combine my atoms on paper". Dalton's thought experiment tells how, at length, he deduced that the atmosphere was a mixture, not a compound. In other accounts he explains how his thinking about the available data (quite limited data in scope and number) led him to the "rule of greatest simplicity" and, subsequently, to his atomic theory. Both Nash, and Toulmin and Goodfield reveal how important thought experiments were in directing Dalton away from the pursuit of unsystematic data towards the fruitful concepts of his atomic theory.

Popular textbook accounts of the scientific method represent science as a logical procession from observation through experiment to hypotheses culminating in a new or revised theory. Neither Boyle (Toulmin & Goodfield, 1962) nor Dalton followed this route; instead, 'intuitive' theories guided their thinking. "Dalton did not proceed in a clear-cut fashion from postulate to argument, ... rather, he followed the reverse course" (Nash, 1957). While thought experiments and theorizing before the crucial experiment is conducted is common in the history of the quantum theory, it is less often supposed to have occurred in the 18-19th Centuries. But this is a striking feature of the stories of Lavoisier, Dalton, Gay-Lussac and Avogadro. The fruitful 'intuitive' theory is a hallmark of their thinking; and their investigations were purposefully focused by the predictions that emerged from their theories. Theory was pre-eminent in their thinking and Chalmers (1997) shows that theory is an indispensable ingredient in all scientific progress; that is, no scientist can make sense of his or her data without an organizing framework. The theory may soon need to be modified, but such a theory is better than no theory at all. This principle should be pursued in secondary science teaching because it helps students understand that science is a way of knowing rather than a body of knowledge. Such thinking is the foundation of 'working scientifically" (or 'inquiry") and is the rationale for most modern science curricula (e.g., Queensland Schools Curriculum Council, 1999).

The thought experiment was prominent in Newton's corpuscular theory of light and in Boyle's method of modelling elastic gas molecules as tiny springs. The thought experiment is shown to be an excellent tool for doing science. The benefit for students in sharing these stories is the legitimation of imagination and creativity in science. Students should be encouraged to play with ideas as this will likely increase their interest in scientific thinking. But they are unlikely to understand the power of theorising about data and evidence without exposure to the historic struggles of scientists like Newton, Dalton and Avogadro. All of these scientists dealt with things they could not see, yet in their mind's eye they "saw" the important concepts because they used a theoretical lens to interpret their data.

The Kinetic Theory of Gases

From early on, Boyle was a supporter of [Newton's] corpuscular philosophy, believing that all the properties and changes of material things could eventually be explained by the shapes, motions and arrangements of their tiny constituent particles. (Toulmin & Goodfield, 1962)

Newton proposed that a gas's particles were evenly spread through its enclosing space due to the particles' short-range repulsive forces. Boyle attributed the even spacing of gases to their springiness and modelled gas particles as tiny coiled springs. Boyle's experiments led him to insist that gas particles must possess mass, characteristic shapes and motion. He also argued that the inverse volume-pressure relationship for gases could only be explained in atomistic terms. However, this was all pre-Dalton and Boyle's atomism was principally philosophical, that is, his theoretical explanation for the data he collected demanded that gas particles be as he described them. Still, his dynamic particles with no intervening matter other than Newton's universal aether, supports the modern picture. When the Michelson-Morley experiment (1887) dispelled the aether, the modern image of a gas composed of independent, invisible and immutable particles became credible.

Dalton held views contrary to Boyle that inhibited the formulation of the kinetic theory as we know it. Dalton visualized a gas as a "pile of shot". Dalton's gas particles were single atoms in contact with each other and each atom's size matched its mass. This view differed from the modern trend that atomic radii gradually increase with rising atomic number because he saw oxygen as many times larger than hydrogen. Gay-Lussac, on the other hand, insisted that "the distances between individual gaseous particles are assumed to be so great in comparison with their diameters that the variable attractive forces between neighboring particles are negligible" (Nash, 1957). As early as 1738, Bernoulli provided a modern explanation of gas pressure and volume by assuming that "the atoms of a gas were in random motion, the pressure of the gas being nothing more than impact of the atoms on the wall of the containing vessel" (Mason, 1962). Grasping the significance of these ideas, Avogadro proposed that equal volumes of different gases at the same temperature and pressure contain the same number of particles. In 1814, Ampère, drew a similar conclusion. Avogadro then argued in his famous paper of 1811 that oxygen and hydrogen must be diatomic to explain how 1 volume oxygen + 2 volumes hydrogen produce 2 volumes of water vapour.

But Dalton could not accept Gay-Lussac's data nor Avogadro's hypothesis. Dalton's "the rule of greatest simplicity" said that the ratio of hydrogen : oxygen in water must be 1:1 or HO. He also believed that a volume of oxygen comprised numerous atoms which, in this example, we will call n atoms of oxygen. When the n atoms in one volume of oxygen react with hydrogen, two volumes of water vapour result. Dalton's theory disallowed there being 2n molecules of water because only n oxygen atoms were available and oxygen atoms are indivisible. Thus, he proposed that each of the two volumes of water vapour contained n/2 molecules of OH. To justify the assertion that one volume of oxygen contains n atoms and one volume of water vapour contains n/2 molecules, he wrote, "the globular particles in a volume of pure elastic fluid [gas], ... must be analogous to that of a square pile of shot ... each particle rests of four particles below" (Dalton, 1808). His conception that gas particles are in contact with each other, led him to conclude that a two atoms per particle gas (water, HO) occupies twice the volume of a one atom per particle gas (oxygen, O).

Dalton's thinking is repeated time over in science and in the classroom. In 1833 Faraday "established that the same amount of electricity brought about the decomposition of the same number of equivalents of different chemical substances" (Mason, 1962) and went on to show that the same amount of electricity yielded the same quantity of, say, hydrogen or zinc, from all of their compounds. Maxwell was unable to accommodate these findings within his or Faraday's theories and wrote that

we leap over this difficulty by simply asserting the fact of the constant value of the molecular charge, and that we call this constant molecular charge .... one molecule of electricity.... It is extremely improbable however that when we come to understand the true nature of electrolysis we shall retain in any form the theory of molecular charges. (Mason, 1962)

Unbeknown to them, Faraday and Maxwell were adding support to the already strong atomic theory by asserting that particles and charge are quantised. The only theory that allows such a conclusion is the one that says that all matter (and now electric charge) is composed of discrete, predictably behaved, tiny particles called atoms (and charge). Faraday denied the atomic theory per se and conceived, like Dalton, "that matter is everywhere present, and there is no intervening space unoccupied by it" (Mason, 1962); Maxwell skeptically expected his conclusion to soon be denied and Dalton consistently rejected Avogadro's refinement of his own atomic theory. These examples amply demonstrate the conceptual compromises that even one alternative conception can wreak in a conceptual framework. Similarly, science education has shown the problems that a continuous view of matter and inductive projection of mass properties onto particles creates in the classroom (de Vos & Verdonk, 1996).

Macroscopic, Submicroscopic and Symbolic Representations

Gabel (1999) discusses Johnstone's (1991) observation that chemical phenomena are explainable in three ways - in macro, sub-micro and symbolic terms. Reactions are visible as changes in mass, state, volume, solubility, colour and temperature. But descriptive information has limited power in explaining what happens at the particle level, so chemists turn to submicroscopic and symbolic models. The macroscopic-submicroscopic-symbolic triangle that has proved so valuable in explaining chemical phenomena was first used by Dalton. Once Dalton saw what the Laws of Conservation of Mass, Constant Composition, and Multiple Proportions were telling him - that all matter is composed of invisible and indivisible atoms - he realized that he had to explain his observations in terms of particles and symbols or his theory would be neither credible nor communicable. He tells how he manipulated his "atoms" and "compound atoms" on paper to show that the atmosphere is a mixture, not a compound. And he invented a set of symbols to systematically describe the compounds and reactions he observed. Dalton's symbols were quickly replaced by Berzelius' one or two initials taken from each element's name; nevertheless, it was Dalton who saw the need to symbolize chemical action in an elegant and parsimonious way. It can therefore be argued that Dalton is the father of the tripartite macro, sub-micro and symbolic ways of describing and explaining chemical reactions.

Biography of John Dalton

John Dalton (September 6, 1766–July 27, 1844) was a British chemist and physicist, born at Eaglesfield, near Cockermouth in Cumberland.


Early years
His father, Joseph Dalton, was a weaver in poor circumstances, who, with his wife (Deborah Greenup), belonged to the Society of Friends; they had three children; Jonathan, John and Mary.
John received his early education from his father and from John Fletcher, teacher of the Quaker school at Eaglesfield, on whose retirement in 1778 he himself started teaching. This youthful venture was not successful, the amount he received in fees being only about five shillings a week, and after two years he took to farm work. But he had received some instruction in mathematics from a distant relative, Elihu Robinson, and in 1781 he left his native village to become assistant to his cousin George Bewley, who kept a school at Kendal. About 1790 he seems to have thought of taking up law or medicine, but his projects met with no encouragement from his relatives and he remained at Kendal till, in the spring of 1793, he moved to Manchester. Mainly through John Gough, a blind philosopher to whose aid he owed much of his scientific knowledge, he was appointed teacher of mathematics and natural philosophy at the New College in Moseley Street (in 1880 transferred to Manchester College, Oxford), and that position he retained until the removal of the college to York in 1799, when he became a public and private teacher of mathematics and chemistry.

Middle years
During his residence in Kendal, Dalton had contributed solutions of problems and questions on various subjects to the Gentlemen's and Ladies' Diaries, and in 1787 he began to keep a meteorological diary in which during the succeeding fifteen years he entered more than 200,000 observations. His first separate publication was Meteorological Observations and Essays (1793), which contained the germs of several of his later discoveries; but in spite of the originality of its matter, the book met with only a limited sale. Another work by him, Elements of English Grammar, was published in 1801. In 1794 he was elected a member of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society,  The second of these essays opens with the striking remark, There can scarcely be a doubt entertained respecting the reducibility of all elastic fluids of whatever kind, into liquids; and we ought not to despair of effecting it in low temperatures and by strong pressures exerted upon the unmixed gases further. After describing experiments to ascertain the tension of aqueous vapour at different points between 32° and 212° F, he concludes from observations on the vapour of six different liquids, that the variation of the force of vapour from all liquids is the same for the same variation of temperature, reckoning from vapour of any given force. In the fourth essay he remarks, I see no sufficient reason why we may not conclude that all elastic fluids under the same pressure expand equally by heat and that for any given expansion of mercury, the corresponding expansion of air is proportionally something less, the higher the temperature. It seems, therefore, that general laws respecting the absolute quantity and the nature of heat are more likely to be derived from elastic fluids than from other substances. He thus enunciated the law of the expansion of gases, stated some months later by Gay-Lussac. In the two or three years following the reading of these essays, he published several papers on similar topics, that on the Absorption of gases by water and other liquids (1803), containing his Law of partial pressures.

But the most important of all Dalton's investigations are those concerned with the Atomic Theory in chemistry, with which his name is inseparably associated. It has been supposed that this theory was suggested to him either by researches on olefiant gas and carburetted hydrogen or by analysis of protoxide and deutoxide of azote both views resting on the authority of Dr Thomas Thomson (1773–1852), professor of chemistry at Glasgow University. But from a study of Dalton's own laboratory notebooks, discovered in the rooms of the Manchester society, Roscoe and Harden (A New View of the Origin of Dalton's Atomic Theory, 1896) conclude that so far from Dalton being led to the idea that chemical combination consists in the approximation of atoms of definite and characteristic weight by his search for an explanation of the law of combination in multiple proportions, the idea of atomic structure arose in his mind as a purely physical conception, forced upon. him by study of the physical properties of the atmosphere and other gases. The first published indications of this idea are to be found at the end of his paper on the Absorption of gases already mentioned, which was read on October 21, 1803 though not published till 1805. Here he says:

"Why does not water admit its bulk of every kind of gas alike? This question I have duly considered, and though I am not able to satisfy myself completely I am nearly persuaded that the circumstance depends on the weight and number of the ultimate particles of the several gases."

He proceeds to give what has been quoted as his first table of atomic weights, but on p. 248 of his laboratory notebooks for 1802–1804, under the date 6th of September 1803, there is an earlier one in which he sets forth the relative weights of the ultimate atoms of a number of substances, derived from analysis of water, ammonia, carbon dioxide, etc. by chemists of the time. It appears, then, that confronted with the problem of ascertaining the relative diameter of the particles of which, he was convinced, all gases were made, he had recourse to the results of chemical analysis. Assisted by the assumption that combination always takes place in the simplest possible way, he thus arrived at the idea that chemical combination takes place between particles of different weights, and this it was which differentiated his theory from the historic speculations of the Greeks. The extension of this idea to substances in general necessarily led him to the law of combination in multiple proportions, and the comparison with experiment brilliantly confirmed the truth of his deduction; (A New View, etc., pp. 50, 51). It may be noted that in a paper on the; Proportion of the gases or elastic fluids constituting the atmosphere, read by him in November 1802, the law of multiple proportions appears to be anticipated in the words; The elements of oxygen may combine with a certain portion of nitrous gas or with twice that portion, but with no intermediate quantity, but there is reason to suspect that this sentence was added some time after the reading of the paper, which was not published till 1805.

Many of Dalton's ideas were acquired from other chemists at the time such as Lavoiser and Higgins, however he was the first to put the ideas into a universal law of atomic theory, undoubtedly his greatest achievement.

Later years
Dalton communicated his atomic theory to Dr Thomson, who by consent included an outline of it in the third edition of his System of Chemistry (1807), and Dalton gave a further account of it in the first part of the first volume of his New System of Chemical Philosophy (1808). The second part of this volume appeared in 1810, but the first part of the second volume was not issued till 1827, though the printing of it began in 1817. This delay is not explained by any excess of care in preparation, for much of the matter was out of date and the appendix giving the author's latest views is the only portion of special interest. The second part of vol. ii. never appeared.

Altogether Dalton contributed 116 memoirs to the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, of which from 1817 till his death he was the president. Of these the earlier are the most important. In one of them, read in 1814, he explains the principles of volumetric analysis, in which he was one of the earliest workers. In 1840 a paper on the phosphates and arsenates, which was clearly unworthy of him, was refused by the Royal Society, and he was so incensed that he published it himself. He took the same course soon afterwards with four other papers, two of which On the quantity of acids, bases and salts in different varieties of salts and On a new and easy method of analysing sugar, contain his discovery, regarded by him as second in importance only to the atomic theory, that certain anhydrous salts when dissolved in water cause no increase in its volume, his inference being that the salt enters into the pores of the water.

As an investigator, Dalton was content with rough and inaccurate instruments, though better ones were readily attainable. Sir Humphry Davy described him as a very coarse experimenter, who almost always found the results he required, trusting to his head rather than his hands. In the preface to the second part of vol. i. of his New System he says he had so often been misled by taking for granted the results of others that he determined to write as little as possible but what I can attest by my own experience, but this independence he carried so far that it sometimes resembled lack of receptivity. Thus he distrusted, and probably never fully accepted, Gay-Lussac's conclusions as to the combining volumes of gases; he held peculiar and quite unfounded views about chlorine, even after its elementary character had been settled by Davy; he persisted in using the atomic weights he himself had adopted, even when they had been superseded by the more accurate determinations of other chemists; and he always objected to the chemical notation devised by J. J. Berzelius, although by common consent it was much simpler and more convenient than his cumbersome system of circular symbols. His library, he was once heard to declare, he could carry on his back, yet he had not read half the books it contained.

Before he had propounded the atomic theory he had already attained a considerable scientific reputation. In 1804 he was chosen to give a course of lectures on natural philosophy at the Royal Institution in London, where he delivered another course in 1809–1810. But he was deficient, it would seem, in the qualities that make an attractive lecturer, being harsh and indistinct in voice, ineffective in. the treatment of his subject, and ;singularly wanting in the language and power of illustration. In 1810 he was asked by Davy to offer himself as a candidate for the fellowship of the Royal Society, but declined, possibly for pecuniary reasons; but in 1822 he was proposed without his knowledge, and on election paid the usual fee. Six years previously he had been made a corresponding member of the French Academy of Sciences, and in 1830 he was elected as one of its eight foreign associates in place of Davy. In 1833 Lord Grey's government conferred on him a pension of £150, raised in 1836 to £300. Never married, though there is evidence that he delighted in the society of women of education and refinement, he lived for more than a quarter of a century with his friend the Rev. W. Johns (1771–1845), in George Street, Manchester, where his daily round of laboratory work and tuition was broken only by annual excursions to the Lake District and occasional visits to London, a surprising place and well worth ones while to see once, but the most disagreeable place on earth for one of a contemplative turn. to reside in constantly. In 1822 he paid a short visit to Paris, where he met many of the distinguished men of science then living in the French capital, and he attended several of the earlier meetings of the British Association at York, Oxford, Dublin and Bristol. Into society he rarely went, and his only amusement was a game of bowls on Thursday afternoons.

Death and afterwards
Dalton died in Manchester in 1844 of paralysis. The first attack he suffered in 1837, and a second in 1838 left him much enfeebled, both physically and mentally, though he remained able to make experiments. In May 1844 he had another stroke; on July 26 he recorded with trembling hand his last meteorological observation, and on the 27th he fell from his bed and was found lifeless by his attendant. A bust of him, by Chantrey, was publicly subscribed for him and placed in the entrance hall of the Manchester Royal Institution.
Dalton had requested that his eyes be examined after his death, in an attempt to discover the cause of his colour-blindness the classic condition known as a deuteranope.

II-2 Group 2 A french Chemist: Joseph Proust


Campanilla, Krisha
Cinco, Sam
Concepcion, Pia
Cruz, Gabrielli
Cruz, Jayrene


Joseph L. Proust was born on September 26, 1754 in Angers, France. His father served as an apothecary in angers. Joseph studied chemistry in his father's shop and later came to Paris where he gained an appointment of apothecary in chief to the Salpetriere. He taught chemistry with Pilate de Rozier, a famous astronaut.

In His 30's, through the influence of Carlos IV, Proust moved to Spain, where he would spend most of his working life. There, he taught chemistry in several universities. While in Spain, he studied sugar but when Napoleon invaded Spain, they burned Proust's laboratory and forced him back to France. He died on July 5, 1826 in Angers, France

1774- Proust left for Paris, against his family's wishes and apprenticed himself to another pharmacist.
1776- He had won a position at a Paris hospital, where he worked as a chemist and pharmacist while lecturing at the Royal Palace.
1778- Proust went to Spain, having obtained the post of chemistry professor.
1780- He returned to France and stayed there for five years; during this time he taught chemistry and experimented with the new scientific sport of ballooning..
1785- Proust accepted a lucrative teaching position offered by the Spanish government. He spent the next twenty years in Spain at various posts in Madrid and Segovia, thus missing the French Revolution and the rise to power of Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821).
1799- When the chemical laboratories of Segovia and Madrid were merged, Proust became director of the new, lavishly equipped facility. While there, Proust published his law of constant composition, which later evolved into the law of definite proportions. At the time, most chemists agreed with Claude Berthollet, who believed the composition of a compound would vary according to the amounts of reactants used to produce it. In contrast, Proust proposed that pure reactants always combine in the same proportions to produce exactly the same compound.

For about eight years, Proust and Berthollet engaged in a friendly controversy over this issue, but, in the end, Proust was proved to be right. Berthollet had used impure reactants in his experiments, and thus he had analyzed the products inaccurately. Meanwhile, John Dalton had been formulating his atomic theory which was published in 1808. In this theory, Dalton rephrased Proust's law, calling it the law of multiple proportions. Although it is unclear whether Dalton was directly influenced by Proust, the law of constant composition provided evidence for Dalton's atomic theory, which in turn provides an explanation for Proust's observations.

Law of Definite Proportions

Proust's largest accomplishment into the realm of science was disaproving Berthollet with the law of definite proportions. Proust studied copper carbonate, the two tin oxides, and the two iron sulfides to prove this law. He did this by making artificial copper carbonate and compairing it to natural copper carbonate. With this he showed that each had the same proportion of weights between the three elements involved.


Proust was also interested in studying sugars that are present in sweet vegetables and fruits. In 1799, Proust demonstrated how the sugar in grapes is identical to that found in honey. This later became known as glucose. Overall, Proust discovered three types of sugar.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Democritus' and Aristotle's Model of the Atom

grp. 5 II-2 JJ Thomson

      Sir Joseph John “J. J.” Thomson, OM, FRS (18 December 1856 – 30 August 1940) was a British physicist and Nobel laureate. He is credited for the discovery of the electron and of isotopes, and the invention of the mass spectrometer. Thomson was awarded the 1906 Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery of the electron and for his work on the conduction of electricity in gases.
     Joseph John Thomson was born in 1856 in Cheetham Hill, Manchester, England. His mother, Emma Swindells, came from a local textile family. His father, Joseph James Thomson, ran an antiquarian bookshop founded by a great-grandfather from Scotland (hence the Scottish spelling of his surname). He had a brother two years younger than him, Frederick Vernon Thomson.
    His early education was in small private schools, and demonstrated great talent and interest in science. In 1870 he was admitted to Owens College. Being only 14 years old at the time, he was unusually young. His parents planned to enroll him as an apprentice engineer to Sharp-Stewart & Co., a locomotive manufacturer, but these plans were cut short when his father died in 1873.[1] He moved on to Trinity College, Cambridge in 1876. In 1880, he obtained his BA in mathematics (Second Wrangler and 2nd Smith's prize) and MA (with Adams Prize) in 1883.[2] In 1884 he became Cavendish Professor of Physics. One of his students was Ernest Rutherford, who would later succeed him in the post. In 1890 he married Rose Elisabeth Paget, daughter of Sir George Edward Paget, KCB, a physician and then Regius Professor of Physic at Cambridge. He fathered one son, George Paget Thomson, and one daughter, Joan Paget Thomson, with her. One of Thomson's greatest contributions to modern science was in his role as a highly gifted teacher, as seven of his research assistants and his aforementioned son won Nobel Prizes in physics. His son won the Nobel Prize in 1937 for proving the wavelike properties of electrons.
      He was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1906, "in recognition of the great merits of his theoretical and experimental investigations on the conduction of electricity by gases." He was knighted in 1908 and appointed to the Order of Merit in 1912. In 1914 he gave the Romanes Lecture in Oxford on "The atomic theory". In 1918 he became Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, where he remained until his death. He died on August 30 1940 and was buried in Westminster Abbey, close to Sir Isaac Newton.

     Thomson was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society on 12 June 1884 and was subsequently President of the Royal Society from 1915 to 1920.

J.J Thomson's Atomic Model

        Plum Pudding Model:
        Thomson proposed that the atom had these negatively charged particles (electrons) that floated in a cloud of positive charge. So the electrons were like plums baked in a bowl of pudding. The positive charges (protons) filled the whole atom (pudding).
Atomic Structure

Atoms are composed of 3 main subatomic particles: Electrons, Protons and Neutrons. There are even smaller subatomic particles, such as quarks and gluons, but for the purposes of understanding the basic composition of matter, these 3 are sufficient.
The Nucleus
At the very center of an atom is the nucleus.
It is a small, dense, positively charged “core” that contains most of the atom’s mass, and is composed of the atom’s protons and neutrons.

Protons are tiny, positively charged particles found in the nucleus.
Their mass is only about 1.7 x 10-24g, or 1 atomic mass unit (amu).
Protons are incredibly important to the identity of an atom/element - each elemental atom has a unique number of protons in its nucleus. Boron, for example has 5 protons, while Carbon has 6. Variations on atoms (which we will discuss later as isotopes and ions) always have the same number of protons.
The number of protons an atom has is called its atomic number.

Housed next to the protons are particles called neutrons.
These particles have no charge, and are considered to have about the same mass as a proton. In a general, model atom, neutrons exist in the same number as protons. That is, in a model atom with 5 protons, there will be 5 neutrons. 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and so on.